

Building the convent and the classroomsAs grateful as we are to Honorable Mkono for having his engineer responsible for building the dormitory and kitchen buildings! we feel truly blessed that a Polish Missionary from Krakow, Father Wojciech Koscielniak, the pastor of a nearby parish and the National Shrine of Divine Mercy, has volunteered to oversee our two building projects of the convent and the two classrooms. Father Koscielniak has directed the building of a school, a medical clinic, and a convent for a group of Sisters all on the grounds of his parish in Kiabakari. It has been amazing to see him get our building plans drawn up in a few days, mobilize workers and purchase all materials needed for our two new buildings. See progress of building the convent and the classrooms.
Building dormitoriesWe are deeply grateful for the efforts of Honorable Nimrod Mkono, a Member of Parliament, who has undertaken the huge project of building dormitories for our students. We have used every available space in four classrooms this past year as dormitories and would not have been able to take any new students without these new dormitories. See Our New Dormitory Building  | It is amazing how quickly a building comes up when there are no work stoppages due to snow and ice! In June, Honorable Mkono came by with some very concrete plans for the dormitories. The work has started to clear the land. The men have spent nearly two weeks clearing the land and dynamiting the huge rocks that are in the way on the proposed site.
|  | In December, they are finishing the roof and starting to work on the interior of the building. Although the cubicles in the dormitory are built to house 4 students in 2 double decker beds, we will need to fit in 3 double decker beds with 6 girls in each of those little rooms.
|  | In this country, schools must provide living quarters for their teachers. Since we cannot build staff houses now, hopefully in a few months, a building will be completed for each teacher to have a simple bedroom. In the meantime, the teachers will need to stay in rented rooms in the town of Butiama.
|  | Much of the funding for this construction has come from a Japanese Foundation and we are thankful.
|  | Unfortunately, in January, the new dorm roof wasn't finished, and we were waiting for the materials to come in. In addition, the teachers' quarters were not completed either. Builders here, like in America, often don't meet their promised deadlines for many reasons.
Copyright © Siostry Zmartwychwstanki